
Upcoming trends in Ahmedabad real estate sector

Year 2020 has been an arduous journey for the real estate but 2021 has witnessed the sector finding its feet again. People everywhere missed the social life and can be seen gathered in public places like malls, restaurants and shopping malls. Work has also picked up pace as major corporates have returned to their workplaces.

Co-working spaces took a kick with the pandemic, however, with covid cases plummeting, this space is set to boom again as an alternative to working from home. Commercial buildings are now loaded with amenities more than ever before. The buyers are availing benefits like designer foyers, distinct welcome desks, plush waiting areas, conference rooms, splendid cafeterias, roof top spaces and much more. The builders are getting more conscious about providing attractive building elevation to buyers. Increasing heights of buildings today are also paving way for professionals like façade consultants.

Parking facility in commercial buildings is being extended with the trend of podium parking setting in. This will give ease to end users and reduce the vehicle clutter on the roads. Stack parking is also an option being availed by many buildings. We are likely to witness skyscrapers of over 40 floors in major cities of Gujarat in the coming few years. Green buildings are in vogue and builders are in the endeavour to provide eco-friendly environment to users. Installation of solar panels on commercial buildings is also a rage and is in the best interest of the end users. In commercial buildings, charging stations for electric vehicles may soon turn into reality.

In the residential space, people are largely looking at more liveable spaces with all possible amenities. Infact, amenities that a building provides has become a major decision-making point for buyers. Open space gardens, sports amenities, walking tracks are all the need of the hour. With businesses springing back to normal, housing demands are increasing. People are open to migrating to cities. That is giving a boost to the affordable housing zone.

Where on the one hand, smaller houses and affordable buildings are in vogue, on the other hand, people are bingeing on land purchases. Luxury lifestyle is the in the high. People are taking keen interest in luxury villas, bungalows and even apartments. Weekend homes is a need for many especially in the covid era.

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