Vector illustration - Busy businessman

Are you a workaholic or a workafrolic?

Does your work give you a sense of fun or burden? Think about it. The journey from burden to fun is a long one indeed. You can be a real hard worker and still enjoy your work. Workaholics are often people who are obsessed with work. They put in long hours of work, often forgetting to prioritise tasks. They might be good with their work but might put little purpose into their tasks at time.

Workafrolic is a newly coined term and refers to someone who works a lot but derives fun from it. They like doing work that leads to results and hate to waste their time on unimportant things. They tend to attach more meaning to their work. Working late hours might be common in both workaholics and workafrolics but the difference lies in the approach.

Work becomes even more fun when you start enjoying it. We can only enjoy work when we are truly passionate about it. Passion comes with the right decisions. It is essential that we choose to work in a domain that we like. Doing something out of compulsion and not passion takes away the fun part. We then tend to become mechanical. This leads to lack of idea generation and creativity.

As they say, work is either fun or drudgery, depends on how you take it. It is an important question we must all ask ourselves today.

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