
Sneh Shilp Foundation Investing in People, Nurturing Love

‘Sneh Shilp Foundation’, an initiative of Shilp Group has been established with the purpose of extending a helping hand to the ones in need. Shilp Group has given some marvellous buildings and has contributed immensely to the city’s skyline. All the way here, the group has been winning the hearts of people and has created credibility for itself. It is now time to reciprocate and give back to the society all the possible love, care and happiness.

Our aim is to make a difference in the lives of people. India is a huge country with diverse needs. Evils like poverty, hunger, unemployment, lack of education continue to rule the country. Unless we come forward and start thinking consciously of helping the needy, these evils will only magnify.

At Sneh Shilp Foundation, the team is built with a bunch of individuals who are empathetic and enjoy the experience of giving. The team understands what it means to bring a smile on faces. The foundation has been carrying out initiatives to serve the people through multiple food and grocery donation drives. Old age homes have been provided shelter to protect against the harsh weather. The foundation has also taken steps to save the environment with the help of tree plantation drives. A blood donation drive also came in very handy during the COVID crisis.

Sneh Shilp Foundation has been established with the purpose of helping people to live the life they truly deserve.

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