
Work Life Harmony

At a very early stage of my entrepreneurial journey, I realised that accomplishments at work will only make sense when there are people around to relish it with you. Relationships have always mattered to me as much as my work has. Times were tough and challenging in the initial years of business establishment. When a business is in its nascent stage, it rightfully has its own demands. I always compare a new business with a new born who needs all the attention, has myriads of demands and gets moulded the way we do it. That is how I treated Shilp and nurtured it like a baby. I did break the so-called norms of work life harmony back then quite a few times. That also took a toll on my health, my me-time, my hobbies and my family life.

I constantly needed to find an equilibrium between my business needs and my personal life. I always played on my value of authenticity. I realised that I did not have to fragment my life into compartments called work and personal. I needed to bring in a harmony in all aspects of my life. I learnt to adjust and readjust expectations of work and family as and when needed. There were and still are times when my work needs me more but I know that there will always be times when my kids need me. I give the due share whenever needed.

I did some introspection to understand the importance of continuing to pursue my interests alongside my work. Giving up on my health needs, my passions and my hobbies did not fend for good. Temptation to overwork is always there. However, today I am happy that I have a fixed morning schedule where I give time to my body and my soul, I give quality time to my work, I spend cherished moments with my family. I even take random vacations apart from the long-planned ones. I have understood that when one aspect of our lives is in peace, the other automatically falls in place.

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